Government High School Patra, Bhathat, Gorakhpur was established in 2010 under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) scheme with the objective to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality.
The School is located at BHATHAT Block GORAKHPUR Uttar Pradesh. It is a Secondary School (Class 9-10), where lowest class is 9th and highest class is 10th.
The School has highly qualified teaching staff with excellent skills. The School has co-education with regular emphasis on excellent discipline and dress code as implemented separately for boys and girls. Admissions are made in strict obedience of the rules of U.P. Board with proper ratio of General, SC/ST, OBC and Physically handicapped categories.
The school is approachable by all weather road. Academic session starts in April. The school has Own building with electricity connection and has sanitation and drinking water facility.
The school has a library with good collection of book and well equipped laboratory for practical work with all required apparatus and chemicals.
Our Mission
Government High School Patra Gorakhpur stands for excellence, equity and inclusiveness and social justice in education and aims to set standards in educational excellence and competence through curriculum enrichment and information dissemination. The mission of the institution is to provide cultural and physical training inputs for building a healthy and viable society through the balanced orientation towards basic and applied sciences with due importance to humanities and social sciences.
Our Vision
Government High School Patra Gorakhpur will provide excellent educational opportunities that are responsive to the needs of the community and help students meet economic, social, and environmental challenges to become active participants in shaping the world of the future.
Principal's Message
Education is a commitment shared among dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations
The role of a school today is not only to advance academic excellence, but to inspire and empower students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of global society. Converting every individual into a self-reliant and independent citizen, our school offers a mix of scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
It is our firm determination that we provide our students with excellent education centres, which will equip them as financially capable and self-supporting Indian citizens. Here the teachers prepare the student for not only the examination, but also to face the challenges and difficulties, what the world does for them. Throughout the year, students participate in various sports at different levels, and participate in various activities. The students and staff have shown their time, efforts and energies with full confidence in their abilities to get the best results in the board examination. This school would provide support in the discipline and character building along with the knowledge acquisition of the students.
As a Principal, I am pleased that my own personal values align with the importance of a sense of trust, respect, innovation and harmony with the school. Our commitment is to provide students with a safe and intellectually challenging environment, which will empower students to develop into innovative thinkers, and prepare learners to thrive in the twenty-first century.
Thank You
-Shri. Shiva Murti Rai (Principal)
(Government High School Patra, Bhathat, Gorakhpur)